ClockClass DVDs
ClockClass DVDs are remastered class sessions and allow students to view the class at their own speed. Topics cover everything from advanced to beginner and the student is sure to find something of interest. For previews, check out our YouTube Channel!
Here is a complete listing of ClockClass DVDs available for purchase. Use the 'add to cart' button to add them to your shopping cart and checkout whenever you're ready!
U.S. Shipping for DVDs is USPS Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation. 1-3 DVDs = $11, 4 or more = $17. International rates are the same, but shipped 1st Class. Items shipped to Nebraska are subject to sales tax.

Advanced Repivoting
Repivoting theory taken to the extreme! Capping, sleeving, re-ending an arbor and “add-a-pivot” techniques will be covered in this advanced clock restoration class.
ADVANCED 1 hr. 30 min. $30

American Strike Levers
Learn how the strike levers work together and the best way to adjust them for trouble-free performance.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 10 min. $30

Arbor and Barrel Hooks
Mainsprings are wound by a hook on the arbor which catches the inner coil of the mainspring When this hook is damaged, it can be an intimidating repair. This class will cover not only replacing an arbor hook but also how to replace a barrel hook.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 15 min. $30

The Brocot Escapement
This beautiful escapement has long been an indication of quality. See the proper procedure for replacing pallets and how this escapement is adjusted for flawless performance. Both steel and jeweled pallets will be discussed as will the geometry of the escapement.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 5 min. $30

Bushing A Barrel
Learn advanced techniques in removing the wear from a barrel. Included in this lesson: Bushing the barrel as well as the cap, keeping the barrel running true, and maintaining arbor end shake.
ADVANCED 1 hr. $30

When a movement is found to have a worn bearing hole, it is necessary to install a bushing and remove the wear. This class will discuss the tools and techniques necessary for this procedure as well as methods to save time and money. Bushing tools, hand reamers, bushing sizes, and broaches will be discussed.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 10 min. $30

Clock Basics
This is a class designed to educate those who are unfamiliar with the basics of clock repair. Topics included will be removing the movement from the case, examining components with a critical eye, and re-installing. Basic terminologies, like “chime” vs. “strike”, will be covered as will common case styles.
BEGINNER 1 hr. $30

The Deadbeat Escapement
This will be an in-depth discussion of the Graham, the most common style of deadbeat escapement. Other forms of deadbeat escapements will be shown for comparison but the focus of this class will be the restoration and adjustment of the Graham.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 20 min. $30
Companion Article: The Use of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in Clockmaking

The Floating Balance
This class will cover the servicing of the early-style Hermle floating balance escapement. Topics will include replacing the balance wire and all adjustments necessary for the proper function of the escapement. The newer style hairspring balance will also be discussed as time permits.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 15 min. $30

The Half-Deadbeat Escapement
As a blend of recoil and deadbeat escapements, this type of escapement is often troublesome and difficult to adjust. Learn how to identify it, remove wear, calculate lift angles, and troubleshoot this frequently encountered escapement.
Companion Article: Determining Lift Angles on the Half-Deadbeat Anchor

Handling Mainsprings
This class will cover mainspring safety, how to remove and insert when in a barrel, cleaning, and choosing a replacement. Re-ending a mainspring will be covered as time permits.
BEGINNER 1 hr. 8 min. $30

The Hermle 1161
Modern German triple-chime grandfather movements can be quite complicated to set up. this session will discuss in detail how to synchronize the chime and strike trains in the popular Hermle 1161 movement in order to insure flawless performance. While the topic will center around chime and strike train setup, other characteristics of this movement will also be discussed in this 2 disk set.
ADVANCED 1 hr. 45 min. on two discs $45

The Ingraham Mantel Movement
An in-depth study of a typical Ingraham mantel movement. Topics covered will be; disassembly and reassembly, common problems, movement layout, and escapement adjustments.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 30 min. $30

Intro To The Lathe
This is a beginner-level class designed to introduce the watchmaker’s lathe and show its usefulness in clock repair/restoration. We will discuss attachments, name the parts of the lathe, and make a make/female center.
BEGINNER 1 hr. 15 min. $30

The Lantern Pinion
An often neglected part of the gear, lantern pinions can develop severe wear which will cause the movement to fail. Learn how to clean, repair, and properly replace pinion wires as well as repair a damaged pinion shroud.

Mainspring Winders
Several different types of mainspring winders will be covered in this class with demonstrations of their use and discussions on the positives and negatives of each. Safety, when handling hole-end mainsprings and mainsprings in barrels, is a prime concern which is followed closely by being able to prevent damage to the mainspring or parts of the movement. Winders covered will be the Ollie Baker, Bergeon, Horolover, and several home-made winders.
BEGINNER 1 hr. 13 min. $30

Making A Screw
Antique clocks often use non-standard sized screws which, when missing, can’t be easily replaced at the local hardware store. Learn about the tools necessary to reproduce an original-looking screw as well as how to heat treat the new screw so it matches in color and character.

A beginning apprentice course to introduce the qualities and characteristics of the metals most commonly found in clock movements. The course will cover hardening, tempering, annealing, and using heat to color steel. A good understanding of metals is important for basic clockmaking.
BEGINNER 1 hr. $30

The Modern Cuckoo
This class will cover removing the old movement, servicing and installing the new movement, as well as adjustments so the cuckoo will function properly. Replacing bellows tops will also be shown in this extensive class.
INTERMEDIATE 2 hrs. on two discs $45

Mounting a Wheel
When attaching a wheel to an arbor, whether it is a new wheel or just one that has come loose, it is important to use proper techniques so the wheel will run true. Learn how this is done using an escape wheel as an example where any imperfection in mounting could stop the clock.
ADVANCED 1 hr. 15 min. $30

Movement Disassembly
Taking a movement apart requires quite bit of preparation. Learn what steps should be taken beforehand so as to aid in reassembly, and learn the proper disassembly techniques so things aren’t damaged.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 5 min. $30

The Musical Cuckoo
3-weight cuckoos are some of the most complicated, and frustrating, clocks to repair. This class will cover how to service the musical portion of the cuckoo and adjust the levers so the music plays when it should. Several different musical mechanism styles will be covered.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 30 min. $45

Pivot Finish
Watch a live demonstration of polishing and burnishing pivots, a process which is key to properly restoring a movement. There will be an emphasis on tools and technique as well as discussion of when it is necessary to re-pivot.
Companion Article: Burnishing

The Ratchet Assembly
A properly adjusted ratchet assembly is key to avoiding an explosive let-down of the power. Learn the proper terms for the parts, how to detect wear and damage, and what procedures to take in order to be sure of a safely functioning ratchet assembly.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 10 min. $30

The Recoil Escapement
This class will focus on the strip pallet type of recoil escapement commonly found in antique American movements. It will cover wear removal, compensating for wear, and the adjustments necessary for a fine running movement. Anchor replacement will be covered as time permits.

Repairing Damaged Teeth
Learn how to identify and repair damaged wheel teeth as well as replacing a tooth when it is too far gone.
ADVANCED 1 hr. 20 min. $30

Replacing A Pivot
Re-pivoting is an advanced restoration technique which replaces a worn or broken bearing surface (pivot) on the end of a gear shaft. Learn how this can be done using several different methods.
ADVANCED 1 hr. 20 min. $30

Replacing French Hands
This is a deceptively difficult process which involves micro-machining and custom-fitting. Reproduction French hands rarely fit properly and this lesson will cover machining and fitting new hand collets as well as pointing out critical areas of clearance.
ADVANCED 1 hr. 16 min. $30

Servicing A Platform
Platform escapements, as found on carriage and traveling clocks, are more watch than clock and require special treatment. This class will discuss basic servicing of an English Lever platform as well as removal and installation.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 10 min. $30

The Sessions Mantel Movement
An in-depth study of a typical Sessions mantel movement. Topics covered will be; disassembly and reassembly, common problems, movement layout, and escapement adjustments.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 20 min. $30

The Seth Thomas 124
Often considered one of the most difficult movements to work on, this Westminster chime mantel movement responds very well to restoration when one knows what to watch out for. Included in this lesson are tips on the pitfalls which can catch the unaware, servicing techniques, and reassembly procedures.
ADVANCED 1 hr. 5 min. $30

Slippering An Anchor
English longcase movements often have recoil anchors which exhibit extreme wear on the pallet surfaces. Simply grinding out the wear causes the escapement to be inefficient. Slippering the anchor, or adding material to the pallet surfaces to compensate for wear, is what will be covered in this lesson.
ADVANCED 1 hr. $30

The Suspension Spring
A thin piece of steel is usually all that supports the pendulum as it swings back and forth. This delicate unit is called the suspension spring and is easily damaged. Learn how to determine a proper replacement, how to manufacture a suspension unit when one isn’t available, and how to identify when a suspension unit is faulty. American feathers (suspension units) will be a primary focus.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 5 min. $30

The Time and Strike Vienna Movement
Vienna regulators are some of the highest quality clocks available but are often labeled “troublesome.” Learn how the time and strike version should be properly restored and adjusted for trouble-free operation.
ADVANCED 1 hr. 30 min. $30

The Telechron B-Type Rotor
Explore the inner workings of the B-type rotor which is found in many electric clocks. This DVD will show how to get inside, restore the movement, and put it all back together.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 20 min. $30

This class is an introduction to the tools used in restoring and repairing a clock movements and will give a broad overview of the tools involved in the process. Find out which tools are necessary and which ones are just nice to have to make life easier. Discussions will also include selecting the most economic tooling with brief instructions on their use. Tools covered: Lathe, Depthing Tool, Bushing Tool, Safety Tools, Micrometer, Tweezers, Pliers, and many others.
BEGINNER 1 hr. 15 min. $30

The United Electric Movement
United electric clocks are quickly becoming collectable and command higher prices if they are working. This class will discuss how to restore these movements so the clocks can be enjoyed to the fullest.
INTERMEDIATE 1 hr. 15 min. $30

The Complete DVD Set
Purchase the complete set of 37 DVDs for only $1,020 plus $17 shipping. (Special pricing available for NAWCC Chapters!)
Please contact us for this special complete bundle covering all areas of clock repair.